Your final section actually describes most of what's WRONG with it. It's not very good. In actuality it's a bald faced lie sold to people who can't be bothered to learn to use HTML, CSS, or JavaScript properly and pisses all over the accessibility of anything buitl with it for one simple reason.
Scripting off/blocked you get Jack.
It uses client-side compositing for things that have NO business being cone client-side.
BUT it's very popular because they ran a marketing campaign of echo-chamber conferences, bringing propaganda techniques like bandwagon and glittering generalities into the mix. Same level of idiocy that results in people thinking an orange cheeto is a really stable genuis, that a life-long dixiecrat conservative is going to be any better, and that there's a magical fairy tale genocidal maniac in the sky who "loves us".
Same herp, just a different derp.
There are a LOT of popular things that are utter rubbish. Popular !== Good.
You just need to prey upon ignorance, apathy, and wishful thinking.