You say never again, but you're still pissing pointless presentational classes into your code. Poster child for everything WRONG with front-end "frameworks".
I've said it for over a decade now, if you don't know what's wrong with saying class="font-bold rounded border-0 bg-blue hover:opacity-80" PLEASE, for the love of Christmas, admit defeat and go back to writing HTML 3.2 with all those FONT / CENTER tags, ALIGN, BORDER, BGCOLOR, SIZE, and COLOR attributes, and TABLE for layout y'all seem to so clearly and dearly miss.
Presentational classes -- the foundation on which EVERY HTML / CSS framework is built -- is a monument to ignorance, incompetence, and ineptitude, reeking of a complete failure to divine HTML's purpose, why CSS is separarte from it, and willful negligence. HTML is for saying what things are, NOT what you want them to look like.
Of course this is made all the more of a tragic comedy by the garbage wreck of code you're presenting for... a button. Something that your server-side code shouldn't be declaring the appearance of, and your client-side code shouldn't even be touching.
THIS is how you end up with broken client-side scripttardery dicking with forms that don't need nor should ever even be scripted. This is how you end up blowing 100k of markup, 500k of CSS, and megabytes of scripting on something that's likely not even 32k of HTML+CSS combined with NO client-side scripting's job!
Lands sake, your code for styling these buttons -- from a place in the code that has ZERO BLASTED BUSINESS applying style-- is larger than most normal contact form's markup would be if created by a competent coder!
WHY do people get suckered by trash like Vue and Failwind in the first place? Are y'all REALLY that ignorant of what HTML and CSS are even for, much less how to use them?!?
All these rubbish frameworks do is teach you to work harder, not smarter. NO matter how many know-nothing cult-like fanboys run around screaming about how much "easier" using ten times the code needed to do the job is, or how much "simpler" it is to flip the bird at why HTML and CSS even exist, much less how to use them properly.
I bet you don't even have media targets on your LINK or STYLE tags.
Basically, I think the echo-chamber of scam artists has suckered you into thinking Starbucks coffee isn't burnt overpriced swill in artsy-fartsy cup sizes. We need to get you two large Dunkin's dark roast cold brew double cream double sweet.
Friends don't let friends drink Starbucks.