To me VR is still just a marketing gimmick for rich people. The nausea inducing, headache inducing wrecks, and the garbage interface design that seems to go hand in hand with them just seems like an attempt at yet another classist, elitist, F*** you to normal people. It's sci-fi BS created by people who don't seem to know the first damned thing about usability or accessibility.
That so many "suits" at the top of many companies have been fooled by Hollyweird-esque fairy tale animations of what it COULD be? Well, these are typically the same types of know-nothings easily suckered by a pretty face. There's a reason people have dumped millions into using concrete blocks on cranes with gravity for energy storage, the idiotic nonsensical hyperloop bullshit, etc, etc.
It all reeks of the same type of scam artist nonsense as Theranos or American Motors. I keep waiting for it to come out that Liz Holmes was a guy in drag, just like Geraldine Carmicheal.
All that said, then it comes to UX I still say the biggest problem is people thinking specific size devices, specific device orientations, specific resolutions, specific PPI, pixels, etc, etc. It is to that end I always found "mobile first" to be broken nonsense and a back-assward approach to design.
You start out before you even THINK about small devices with an elastic semi-fluid natural-wrapping responsive design.
Elastic: Using units like EM that scale to the OS or browser preferences so everything dynamically scales to match the rest of what the USER has set. Pixels are for morons.
Semi-fluid: You let all your major sections expand to fit the display, with a maximum width (again in EM or REM) that stops long sections -- like content paragraphs -- from becoming hard to read, or from UI elements from becoming a chore to use.
Natural Wrapping: Let elements automatically wrap so that things like columns or groups remain usable.
Responsive: Then and only then start using width based triggers -- like responsive layout via media queries in web design -- to tweak the things that remain broken within specific size ranges.
That way your layout can adjust the content to ANY device size and capabilities.
... and really if VR or other such overpriced scams "need" more than that for HTML/CSS/JS driven apps and websites, petition the W3C to get your own media target instead of trying to work with what most people are designing for "screen".
Admittedly that seems lost on the majority of the morons, quacks, and fools out there using halfwit TRASH like bootcrap or arsebreeze where they don't even use media="screen" because they don't even understand how to use HTML or CSS properly.