This article speaks to me a good deal because I have a disability that's ridiculously this title.
I have non-24 sleep wake disorder. This means that I have to live a 26 hour day. And as I have the sighted dysregulated version, the medications they're developing only fixes the sleep cycle, NOT the psychological stress and mental breakdowns that comes with trying to live a 24 hour day.
Basically if I maintain a 24 hour day, after a couple days it's like constantly having jet lag. In a week, it's full on sleep depravation even if I get a proper "nights" sleep. So we start out with headaches and mild irritability, and work our way up to visual and auditory hallucination and even the smallest things triggering a fight or flight reflex. (something that goes SO great with my Misophonia)
The world is not set up to deal with people who HAVE to sleep an extra hour and stay awake an extra hour, on a free-running clock that pushes forward two hours every day. Right now it's 07:27 local, but for me it's basically 9:30 at night -- bedtime. Tomorrow at 7:30AM local, it's gonna be 7:30PM -- a full 180 degrees off. The next morning that same 7:30 actual time will be 5:30 PM "my time".
It helps explain why the first 35 years of my life was a total inconsistent shit-show. People who have this don't just magically get it, but it's only been recognized as a disease for around 18 years, and didn't even have a proper diagnostic code until about 12 years ago. Worse, doctors -- because this wasn't even recognized as a condition until quite recently -- loaded me up on psychiatric meds for what could simply have been treated by sleeping an extra hour and staying awake an extra hour! Thanks to that diagnosis 15 years ago, I've been the most stable and well off of my entire life.
Not only does not everyone have the same 24 hours, some of us have extra hours that are utterly incompatible with the nine-to-five world.
And it's really annoying how most "normal" people say shit like "get over it", or "that's not a real disease", or worst of all "there can't be anything wrong with you, you LOOK fine"
For the sociopaths out there who say things like that, you try living with it.