The moment you see presentational classes like:
class="text-gray-500 hover:text-gray-900 dark:hover:text-white"
RUN! Just run.
this is the typical "eye cans haz teh intarwebs" broken bloated garbage I've come to expect from all "front end frameworks." A monument to the bleeding edge of the 1997 markup mindset, abusing HTML to say what things should look like, the OPPOSITE of what HTML is even for!
Mate that to endless pointless classes for nothing, endless pointless DIV for nothing, DIV don't SECTION's job, gibberish numbered heading depths, span for nothing, presentational images in the markup, static SVG in the markup where they can't even be cached across page-loads, and general lack of anything resembling proper semantics? All you have here is a laundry list of how NOT to use HTML or CSS.
As evidenced by the social icons version being 7.8k of markup doing 1.2k's job. Even if we don't count the SVG it's still 3.3k, nearly three times the code that should be present in the markup! /FAIL/ at the most basic aspects of web development.
And again why I continue to find all these front-end frameworks to be nothing more than ignorance, incompetence, and ineptitude at its finest. CREATED by people unqualified to write a single blasted line of HTML in the first place, much less having the unmitigated GALL to tell others how to do so.
Tailwind, flowbite, whatever. It's all a giant "screw you" to users with accessibility needs, "screw you" to any poor sod trying to fix all the theing wrong with it, and based on what? Nonsensical LIES about how much "easier" this rubbish is? BULLCOOKIES!