The biggest problem is the people you are calling "designers" aren't. I've said it for near-on two decades that the majority of ignorant incompetent fools giving themselves titles like "web designer" are nothing of the sort. They are ARTISTS under the DELUSION they are "desginers".
They typically know nothing about UI/UX, HTML/CSS, and most important of all, they are completely gormless on the topic of accessibility. Most of these PSD jockeys and Figma framework phonies aren't qualified to design a single blasted thing!
As evidenced by their not knowing about things like legible colour contrasts, legible font sizes and font-faces, semi-fluid elastic responsive layout, or any of the other engineering concepts that separates art from design.
Thus when you said "architect" all I could think of is "death-ray buildings". What happens when you let the "form over function" f***wits have their way with a project.
I'm not saying you can't make a design pretty, but if it's useless to large swaths of potential users, what the blazes good is it? Something these mindless artsy-fartsy morons can't seem to wrap their heads around as they spank their crank on a graphics tablet.
I also really liked your mentioning the "what are you a mind reader" aspect. Rule #1 of design, is that it's design. You have no clue who is going to use the result or how. Always plan for the worst case scenario you can possibly envision, and treat that as the norm.