That's still an event listener, and the handler is still a function. The "object" that shitty MDN text is referring to is... well... instanceof EventTarget.
Which is what that text should read. "The addEventListener method exists only on Objects that are "instanceof EventTarget". It's not an "Object listener" that's you making up some random term. it's an EVENT listener. Because that's what it's listening for.
That STILL has NOTHING to do with what __make / dom-jon is doing. It's building instanceof Node. All instanceof Node are instanceof EventTarget... So what are you even saying is missing?
I'm still not seeing what it is you'd even be trying to do it already does not. Apart from perhaps attaching multiple hanlders to the same event which is on my to-do list. I'm gonna intercept all the "on" and if it's an array, addEventListener each of them via deconstruction... but that really doesn't sound like what you meant.
Especially when talking about "this" which addEventListener does not (last I checked) DO! AT ALL. This is still the event.
I'm gonna double check myself on that, but what you're saying is not how it works. if you pass myObject.myMethod to addEventListener, "this" inside "myMethod" will be the event, not myObject. That's not a thing and why we oft implement factories or wrapping anonymizers to get around that.