Sure, but can you explain the following?
Why is it even the tutorials for this stuff are CLEARLY written by people who don't know enough HTML to be using HTML, CSS, or JavaScript?
Why is it that these giant libraries of convoluted spaghetti code keep being called "easier" when they clearly are not?
How is adding more steps to the build process "easier" -- this is a problem not just with frameworks like React, but also other monuments to mental enfeeblement like LESS/SASS/SCSS.
Hos is having server-side code that bears little if any resemblance to the actual output markup easier/better when it comes to debugging? To me it cripples the usefulness of the document inspector.
How is writing so much more code than needed better/easier? It's bad enough these massive libraries of NOTHING, without them making you write as much if not more code than you'd have without them.
It's no shock React users are so enamored not of Tailwind. Bleeding edge of 1997 markup methodologies, here we come!
Again, why to me -- as someone who actually embraced HTML 4 Strict -- everything done with these garbage frameworks looks like the worst of late '90's browser-wars era practices... but when I say that people say I'm the one stuck in the past?!?
I mean seriously, is "http" buildHTML or derping it out with console.log REALLY so hard that you need all this extra chazerei?