See that article's a total crock because he doesn't know how to use tables properly, and probably isn't using media="screen" on his <style> or <link>
Where's his scope? role="columnheader" is redundant to scope="col". Where's his THEAD? TBODY? <th scope="row"> to describe the row?
OF COURSE screen readers choke on it.
Screen media style shouldn't be sent to screen readers in the first place. That's why you set media="screen" when linking in the external stylesheet. In my experience lacking row level TH inside BODY, scope="col" on the column TH, and omitting THEAD and TBODY are would react that way in screen readers with or without whatever CSS he's throwing at it!
Kind of like the dumbass DIV for nothing around it, H1 inside MAIN, onclick rubbish in the markup...
That is exactly the case of someone diving for Aria bullshit when they don't know enough HTML to be flapping their yap about it. He's missing half the tags and attributes!
The "speech" in his demo videos being incomprehensible gibberish not helping. It is supposed to sound like that?