Sadly that’s how Medium auto-formats links. Overriding that behavior is a pain in the ass. It’s one of my many complaints about this platform.
Half the time links to me look like they’re advertisements, not links. So yeah, right there with you.
As to framework stupid like bootcrap, answer me this. How is it saving you time and effort when you end up writing two to ten times the HTML needed to do the job, forces you to edit the markup just to change the style, makes no provision for non-visual UA’s, and in total you end up writing as much if not more code than you’d have without them?
It’s not about “creating or maintaining your own” it’s about using HTML and CSS the way they were meant to be used from the day of their introduction. Something the shit-show of incompetence that was HTML 3.2 got us away from, and this “let’s slop classes on every blasted element” bull tries to perpetuate.
And it’s even worse when it comes time to slice it up into a back end since it’s more code to wade through, more code to try and decipher, and on the whole is dozens of times harder to work with.
In no way, shape, or form is that nonsense easier, better for collaboration, or any of the other gibberish unfounded claims of merit attributed to it. I cannot fathom how anyone who bothers actually learning HTML or CSS could find anything of value in them. It’s DELUSIONAL! Utterly, totally, and completely detached from reality.