My point is that far too often I'm seeing 1 or 2 mb of scripting doing 48k or less' job. This is more true on websites than crapplets, but it seems to be painfully common with all these garbage frameworks and mindless includes people dive for because they never learn enough JS to do anything on their own.
But to be fair, I specialize in helping companies that are either collapsing under technical debt, or in courts for accessibility failings.
And that 1mb+ of "JS for nothing" client-side can be as responsible for the problems as the half-tweet nose-breathing HTML/CSS framework trash like failwind or bootcrap. Reacy, Angular, Vue -- even just the CONCEPT of web apps -- are all things I have to tell my clients to get rid of, because it is doing them NO FAVORS in regards to usability, accessibility, maintainability, or just plain building the thing in the first place!
Just because endless mindless JS for nothing is hot and trendy in copypasta development, doesn't make it right, proper, or even useful to the end user.
Thus the best way to save compute time is to not use 1 or 2mb of scripting on pages/sites that often don't even warrant the presence of 48k of scripting -- IF ANY -- if you care in the slightest about accessibility, usability, or sane and rational web development.
A concept utterly lost on the folks who create dependency hell blindly NPM'ing in unsecure code. Just ask the fools and tools who got suckered by faker.js and colors.js
And with Aaron having been a close personal friend, I love the new for faker.
Seriously though, if we're talking websites, most of those with 1mb of scripting likely shouldn't have scripting in the first place. Just like they shouldn't have 100k of markup doing 16k's job, or 500mb of CSS in a dozen separate files doing the job of 48k or less in one file. Just because "most sites" have a megabyte or more of {explicit insulting nickname for JS omitted} for nothing, doesn't mean they SHOULD.
More so when moronic trash server-side frameworks like React and Angular are used for CSR in cases where it has no business being built client-side, vomiting up gibberish bloated non-semantic trash.
🎵 JS for nothing and your scripts for free. That ain't workin', that's not how you do it. Lemme tell ya, these guys ARE dumb. 🎵