Meanwhile I think anyone who would write this in their markup or JSX:
"d- flex align-items-center"
Deserves a good smack across the face with a wet trout. As I have said time and time again Failwind, Bootcrap, and the like suckering nubes and rubes alike into slopping presentational -- not utility, PRESENTATIONAL -- classes all over the place is nothing more than a monument to the fugliest of mid '90's markup practices!
This is why "CSS in JS" isn't so much your problem, as it is setting data in the HTML, JS, or DOM that has absofragginglutely zero huffing business being there in the first place! You should be saying what things are, or why they might receive a different style, not what that style IS!!!
The only reason I would ever put CSS into my JavaScript is if that style is required before the rest of the page and things like external style loads, such as during a loading animation... and honestly I say that if your HTML, CSS, and JS is big enough to warrant that, you probably have zero damned business writing a signle blasted line of any of them!
But again as I keep repeating like a broken record, most of these problems could be avoided if client-side people would stop deploying 100k of HTML to do 10k's job, 250k of CSS in a dozen files to do 48k or less' job in one file, and megabytes of client-side scripting on pages that might not even warrant the PRESENCE of JavaScript!
See 90%+ of the garbage people do in react that has no business being an "app" whatsoever.