Maybe it's because I've worked in both RTOS and pervasively multithreaded environments, but "promises" feel like a crutch for people too stupid to handle event driven programming. They are harder to follow or understand becuase they take what should be -- and under the hood are -- hooked events, and makes it look like syncrhonous code.
I find them to be more code, more cryptic, more work, and more effort to deal with.
I mean are chaining resolvers REALLY so hard? Or in that "multiple API's concurrently" situation a simple request counter/logger? That way you KNOW what's going on instead of blindly hoping that promise junk will handle it for you?
I just don't get the appeal. There are a lot of changes and improvements in JS lately I really like, promises just aren't one of them. It feels like a mix of taking a step backwards 20 years in practices, mixed with mollycoddling developers so they can avoid learning how anything works.