It's market-speak double-talk and in no way starts saying how... and the deeper you get into their 'description" the LESS they say, with "HOW" it "improves" or is "better UX", "helps" with much of anything.... is just plain nowhere to be found.
It's bullshit bingo! Propaganda devoid of supporting facts reeking of someone just making up a new term for... well, who knows the **** what. Circle-jerk BS as meaningless as Web 2.0 was.
Soft language of unfounded claims sets off my bullshit alarm. It reads like an advertisement written by a marketer, not a specification or guideline written by an engineer.
And when you see that type of language, it's a sure sign somebody is peddling lies.
Which is probably part of why if standards bodies got together for Thanksgiving, the W3C would be seated at the kids table with cousin Eddie and BoeBoe the Clown.