I really don't understand the love for Rust, as it feels like someone looked at the already painfully and pointlessly cryptic C++ and went "what can we do to make this even more convoluted and difficult to follow?"
But then as a Wirth language guy who spent a good chunk of the '90's working in Ada, I don't trust anyone who feels the need to abbreviate the word "function". I see "fn", "impl", "mut", and my knife-hand whips up ready to deliver a pimp slap like a DI who just found a corner of your bunk improperly made.
Just as I find their "inheritance" methodology bloated, cryptic, and to piss on object models WORSE than C++ does.
Just like I said when C became viable on microcomputers in the late '80,s I do not understand how or why anyone would use this wreck by choice.
But what do I know? I'd sooner hand assemble 8k of RCA 1802 or Z80 machine language than try to debug 100 lines of C.
Abstraction for abstraction sake is not improvement. I had thought the point of high level languages was to make things simpler and easier. Silly me!
Thus to me, it doesn't break the mold of C/C++, it doubles down on everything wrong with those languages.