I always find the "Stuck i the past" claim so utterly absurd, given how the systems I'm railing against -- like MUI, Failwind, Bootcrap, and so forth -- seem to have shoved their noggin so far up 1997's backside, their hair is causing HTML 3.2 to choke.
I guess every generation just has to repeat the mistakes of the past.
As to the language I use, when something is stupid call it freaking stupid. This "It's not what you said but how you said it" BULLSHIT is enabling at its worst, appeasement at its ugliest, and reeks of a "status quo for the win" attitude that does nothing but give the sleazy dirtbag predatory scam artists a bye.
You can't fight these SCAMS with soothing-syrup words, slapping the rose coloured glasses on everyone's heads.
And I do mean scams! Propaganda laden, bunko driven, MONUMENTS to ignorance, incompetence, and ineptitude. It's why EVERY SINGLE CLAIM of being "easier" or "better for collaboration" is utterly and totally devoid of truth. 100% snake oil peddled by carny barkers.
Thus when people say "it's not what you said but how you said it" I can only think "BULLCOOKIES, it's exactly what was said and don't even pretend otherwise!"
Because how DARE anyone say anything negative about these media darling hustles and the swindlers who've promoted their use through glittering generalities, bandwagon, card stacking, and more BALD FACED LIES than the entire Drumpf presidency.
Wizard's first rule my friend.