Jason Knight
1 min readJul 2, 2022


How the devil adding two to three times more to learn, writing two to ten times the code needed to do the job, pissing away 24+ years of progress by writing markup that's a monument to the bleeding edge of HTML 3.2 magically "boosts your productivity" is utterly beyond my comprehension.

These dumbass, broken, halfwitted, garbage "frameworks" do nothing but promote the worst practices, creating bloated, slow, hard to maintain sites that more often than not also flip the bird at accessibility. The bald faced lies of being "easier" or "better for collaboration" are at best anecdotal, and are in no way, shape or form based in reality.

Because if you're going to write HTML like this:

class="text-center text-blue-400 col-2-s"

PLEASE just admit defeat, and go back to writing font/center tags, align/bcolor attributes, and using those tables for layout y'all so clearly and dearly miss.

It should be painfully apparent to anyone properly versed in the use of HTML and CSS that the people who create this garbage aren't qualified to write a single blasted line of either. Much less have the unmitigated gall to tell others how to do so!



Jason Knight

Accessibility and Efficiency Consultant, Web Developer, Musician, and just general pain in the arse