Honestly that things like non-iterability and so forth are not carried by __proto__ I would still use Object.defineProperties or a proper Class instead.
Especially if I were making getters/setters.
It's cute and even handy as a read property, but I'd never write to it. Not when defineProperties is so much more powerful.
That said, you should be happy! __proto__ is now deprecated and no longer part of any actual web standard. Thus it now being in the big orange box with the word "LEGACY" in the heading? Aka "do not use on any new production code?"
But what do I know? I consider "factories" to be dumbass memory and CPU wasters for people too stupid to understand using objects.
Side note, is it just me or is the ECMA website one of the most broken, slow loading, impossible to navigate, middle fingers to accessibility in existence?
Or does it just really hate Vivaldi at 1rem == 32px and 150% zoom combined? Which is basically what needs to be applied to even read the damned page at 4k.
Almost like the scripting fanboys aren't qualified to create a single blasted line of HTML and CSS.