Jason Knight
5 min readAug 22, 2021


Grown up? Grown up is standing up for what's right. Grown up means not letting hoodoo peddlers take advantage of others. Grown up is not letting bandwagon, echo chambers, and fake "civility" be used as an excuse to continue believing in 100% bunko!

Blindly following bad practices and making up lame excuses for systems that do NOTHING but screw company after company, developer after developers is hardly what I'd call adult. Nor is blindly believing every halfwitted bullshit story peddled by CON ARTISTS.

And that's exactly what Tailwind is, nostrum hawked to people who haven't learned enough about HTML or CSS to make a rational informed opinion on the subject. That's why it's so knee-deep mired in propaganda because how else are you going to beguile, dupe, and otherwise defraud the clodhoppers?

Soothing syrup words, fake plastered on smiles, and platitudes aren't going to fix that! And the people who insist in such language are nothing more than appeasers, the proverbial "Good men who do nothing".

By its very nature Tailwind tells users with accessibility needs to go plow themselves. See how every example or worse "component" is devoid of proper semantics, oft encourages repeating the same text or snippets of text for the half-assed attempt at being "responsive", the broken "responsiveness" of EVERY tailwind layout from the willy-nilly mixing of PX media queries with EM/REM fonts (no joke, EVERY Tailwind layout is broken on my machines!), the lack of even CONSIDERING media targets other than screen media layout, etc, etc, etc.

And that's before we talk the bloated trash WET markup where you end up with outright garbage like:

<header class="flex-none relative z-50 text-sm leading-6 font-medium ring-1 ring-gray-900 ring-opacity-5 shadow-sm py-5 bg-white">
<div class="max-w-container mx-auto px-4 sm:px-6 lg:px-8">
<div class="flex items-center flex-wrap sm:flex-nowrap ">
<a href="/components" class="flex-none text-gray-900">
<span class="sr-only">Tailwind UI</span>
<svg viewBox="0 0 160 24" fill="none" class="w-auto h-6">
<path d="M18.724 1.714c-4.538 0-7.376 2.286-8.51 6.857 1.702-2.285 3.687-3.143 5.957-2.57 1.296.325 2.22 1.271 3.245 2.318 1.668 1.706 3.6 3.681 7.819 3.681 4.539 0 7.376-2.286 8.51-6.857-1.701 2.286-3.687 3.143-5.957 2.571-1.294-.325-2.22-1.272-3.245-2.32-1.668-1.705-3.6-3.68-7.819-3.68zM10.214 12c-4.539 0-7.376 2.286-8.51 6.857 1.701-2.286 3.687-3.143 5.957-2.571 1.294.325 2.22 1.272 3.245 2.32 1.668 1.705 3.6 3.68 7.818 3.68 4.54 0 7.377-2.286 8.511-6.857-1.702 2.286-3.688 3.143-5.957 2.571-1.295-.326-2.22-1.272-3.245-2.32-1.669-1.705-3.6-3.68-7.82-3.68z" fill="#06B6D4"/>
<path d="M51.285 9.531V6.857h-3.166v-3.6l-2.758.823v2.777h-2.348v2.674h2.348v6.172c0 3.343 1.686 4.526 5.924 4.011V17.22c-2.094.103-3.166.129-3.166-1.517V9.53h3.166zm12.087-2.674v1.826c-.97-1.337-2.476-2.16-4.468-2.16-3.472 0-6.357 2.931-6.357 6.763 0 3.805 2.885 6.763 6.357 6.763 1.992 0 3.498-.823 4.468-2.186v1.851h2.758V6.857h-2.758zM59.338 17.4c-2.297 0-4.034-1.723-4.034-4.114 0-2.392 1.736-4.115 4.034-4.115s4.034 1.723 4.034 4.115c0 2.391-1.736 4.114-4.034 4.114zM70.723 4.929c.97 0 1.762-.823 1.762-1.775 0-.977-.792-1.774-1.762-1.774s-1.762.797-1.762 1.774c0 .952.792 1.775 1.762 1.775zm-1.379 14.785h2.758V6.857h-2.758v12.857zm5.96 0h2.757V.943h-2.758v18.771zM95.969 6.857l-2.502 8.872-2.655-8.872h-2.63L85.5 15.73l-2.477-8.872h-2.91l4.008 12.857h2.707l2.68-8.665 2.656 8.665h2.706L98.88 6.857h-2.911zm6.32-1.928c.97 0 1.762-.823 1.762-1.775 0-.977-.792-1.774-1.762-1.774s-1.762.797-1.762 1.774c0 .952.792 1.775 1.762 1.775zm-1.379 14.785h2.758V6.857h-2.758v12.857zm12.674-13.191c-1.736 0-3.115.643-3.957 1.98V6.857h-2.758v12.857h2.758v-6.891c0-2.623 1.43-3.703 3.242-3.703 1.737 0 2.86 1.029 2.86 2.983v7.611h2.757V11.82c0-3.343-2.042-5.297-4.902-5.297zm17.982-4.809v6.969c-.971-1.337-2.477-2.16-4.468-2.16-3.473 0-6.358 2.931-6.358 6.763 0 3.805 2.885 6.763 6.358 6.763 1.991 0 3.497-.823 4.468-2.186v1.851h2.757v-18h-2.757zM127.532 17.4c-2.298 0-4.034-1.723-4.034-4.114 0-2.392 1.736-4.115 4.034-4.115 2.297 0 4.034 1.723 4.034 4.115 0 2.391-1.737 4.114-4.034 4.114z" fill="currentColor"/>
<path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M145.532 3.429h8.511c.902 0 1.768.36 2.407 1.004.638.643.997 1.515.997 2.424v8.572c0 .909-.359 1.781-.997 2.424a3.394 3.394 0 01-2.407 1.004h-8.511a3.39 3.39 0 01-2.407-1.004 3.438 3.438 0 01-.997-2.424V6.857c0-.91.358-1.781.997-2.424a3.39 3.39 0 012.407-1.004zm-5.106 3.428c0-1.364.538-2.672 1.495-3.636a5.09 5.09 0 013.611-1.507h8.511c1.354 0 2.653.542 3.61 1.507a5.16 5.16 0 011.496 3.636v8.572a5.16 5.16 0 01-1.496 3.636 5.086 5.086 0 01-3.61 1.506h-8.511a5.09 5.09 0 01-3.611-1.506 5.164 5.164 0 01-1.495-3.636V6.857zm10.907 6.251c0 1.812-1.359 2.916-3.193 2.916-1.823 0-3.182-1.104-3.182-2.916v-5.65h1.633v5.52c0 .815.429 1.427 1.549 1.427 1.12 0 1.549-.612 1.549-1.428v-5.52h1.644v5.652zm1.72 2.748V7.457h1.644v8.4h-1.644z" fill="currentColor"/>
<p class="hidden lg:block text-sm text-gray-500 font-normal xl:border-l xl:border-gray-200 ml-3 xl:ml-4 xl:pl-4 xl:py-0.5">
<span class="hidden xl:inline">Beautiful UI components by the creators of Tailwind CSS</span>
<span class="xl:hidden">by the creators of Tailwind CSS</span>
<div class="w-full flex-none mt-4 sm:mt-0 sm:w-auto sm:ml-auto flex items-center">
<a href="/documentation" class="hover:text-gray-900">
<abbr class="sm:hidden" title="Documentation">Docs</abbr>
<span class="hidden sm:inline">Documentation</span>
<a href="/pricing" class="mx-6 hover:text-gray-900">Pricing &amp; <abbr title="frequently asked questions">FAQ</abbr></a>
<a href="/login" class="group border-l pl-6 border-gray-200 hover:text-teal-600 flex items-center">
Sign in
<svg width="11" height="10" fill="none" class="flex-none ml-1.5 text-gray-400 group-hover:text-teal-600">
<path d="M5.593 9.638L10.232 5 5.593.36l-.895.89 3.107 3.103H0v1.292h7.805L4.698 8.754l.895.884z" fill="currentColor"/>

Doing the job of:

<header id="top">
<h1><a href="/">TaintBreeze <span>UI</span></a></h1>
<p>Garbage UI components inept Tailwind fools</p>
<ul id="mainMenu">
<li><a href="/documentation">Documentation</a></a>
<li><a href="/pricing">Pricing &amp; FAQ</a></li>
<li class="userAction"><a href="/login">Sign in <span>&#x2192;</span></a></li>
<!-- #top --></header>

All because they don't give a rats posterior about non-visual UA's, alternative navigation, logical document structure, caching models, separation of concerns, or any of the rest of the legitimate requirements the dunces, dunderheads, and dullards so enamored of 1990's thinking continue to crap out as if the world revolves around their own inefficacy and sciolism.

The people who CREATE systems like Bootstrap, Tailwind, W3.css, etc, etc, etc, do NOT know enough HTML or CSS to be telling anyone how to use either technology, and this is reflected in the shallow, obtuse, benighted way they have their craniums wedged up 1997's rectum!

These "frameworks" are a blight upon the Internet that results in technical debt, larger harder to maintain codebases, piss on accessibility from orbit, consume bandwidth AND processor server-time for ZERO real-world benefity, and are built ENTIRELY on the 3i of web development. Ignorance, Incompetence, and Ineptitude.

If you're not seeing that, you might want to go back and ACTUALLY learn HTML. It offers no benefits, and the only way I can see people seeing otherwise is just plain ignorance on the topic.



Jason Knight
Jason Knight

Written by Jason Knight

Accessibility and Efficiency Consultant, Web Developer, Musician, and just general pain in the arse

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