Given that it's two files that combined isn't even 20k, CDN wasn't really on my planning list. At least not until (when/if) I implement the full latin-1 set. But if someone else wants to do so, I'm kosher with that.
As to NPM... I am NOT package friendly. I find them a waste of time, create dozens of excess files and folders for nothing on nearly every project, causes people to waste time with idiotic build bullshit... don't even get me started on how it's the ultimate monument to blind copypasta development for people who love to do extra work, or can't seem to figure out how to ^C^V. Much less how you can delist a package and break half the web, or push malware into the stream and nobody notices until its too late.
My opinion of it ranks right up there with my opinion of "Framework stupid". It is proof positive that most people have no business working in programming related fields.
Especially if one were to throw something as simple as a WOFF and WOFF2 in it, which to my mind is a waste of time, effort, and reeks of "eye cans haz teh intarwebs" development.
You should hear my opinion about Git some time...