Given that it results “out of box” in inherently broken layouts, tends to be used by people who couldn’t code a single line of HTML to save their lives, and the entire concept of it dials everything back to the worst of the mid 1990’s, no amount of “working with it” is going to fix my opinion.
I’m not missing the point. I’m saying that said very point is ignorant dumbass trash, to the point I wonder just how brain damaged one has to be to find merit in it. It is identical in methodology and mindset to everything that made HTML 3.2 — and by extension 4 Tranny — an unmitigated disaster for developers.
Particularly when it makes everything ten times harder by making you shit presentational classes all over the markup. How the blazes is writing twice or more the markup needed easier for a damned thing? How is having so many classes and bloated non-semantic markup easier for doing things like simple small modifications to the style?
And seriously, if you have semantics, meaningful descriptive classes/id’s, how is going into the stylesheet to say “border-radius:1em; order:2; flex:1 1 50%;” any harder than slopping the 100% redundant classes into the bloated hard to work with ****-storm they have the unmitigated gall to call markup?
I just don’t get it. It’s more steps, more work, more code, goes about everything in the most convoluted manner possible, and the people who created it don’t even seem to know the first damned thing about what HTML is for or why CSS even exists!
See my new article, where I take the “starter kit” so many articles the past month have held up as the shining example, and show what an utter train wreck of developer ignorance, incompetence, and ineptitude it really is. This is why I think it’s utter shite. I would sooner suck dry the business end of a half-inch high-velocity lead projector, than do a “full project” with this half-tweet nose-breather wreck of derpitude.
I lack the words in polite company to express my true and total disgust with this type of idiocy. Hell, I lack the words in impolite company… If I said what I really think about these types of frameworks at Wacken Open Air, Ozzy would tell me to shut it because Lemmy’s within ****ing earshot.