EXACTLY! Security, or accessibility, or speed, or UX, or any of the dozens of other things that go neglected because bad examples make bad programmers.
And honestly, it’s not just about being on your own. These bad examples oft work their way into the literature, be it official docs or school textbooks. With the average teacher on these subjects typically lagging a decade behind what’s “in the real world” (Not faulting them, hard to hold down a job teaching AND learn what’s new at the same time) we get a perpetuation of the — as it’s called in audio production — garbage in, garbage out.
And it also calls into question the competence of the people making these systems. It’s something I keep trying to drive home. If they can’t handle using something as “easy” as HTML — something most are painfully short sighted and dismissive of — to make quality examples for people to learn from, how the blue blazes are those of us who know better supposed to trust that their “higher up the ladder” JavaScript is worth a flying purple fish.
Not only do they teach bad habits and broken methodologies, it also calls into question their competence.
Which is why I wouldn’t trust ANY of the people I’ve dealt with — who used React in their process of screwing over and/or flat out lying to the client’s I’ve rescued — to code their way out of a piss soaked paper bag with a hole in the bottom.
Hence why it’s been surprising in the replies here to have some folks advocating for it who actually seem to know what they’re talking about, instead of just blindly screaming like a petulant child “is not, is not!” or diving straight for the ad-hominem.