Don't take this the wrong way, but what is this? 2012?
You have created a stunning example of why I say the people who use these garbage incompetent frameworks do not know enough HTML, CSS, or JavaScript to be using web technologies.
From your lack of fieldset, DIV for nothing, endless pointless classes for nothing, Paragraph doing a numbered heading's job, lack of values in your FOR attributes, lack of name so something is actually submit, redundant type declarations, it is painfully apparent you know nothing about HTML or CSS.
And that's before we talk about the elephant in the room, using JavaScript for things JS hasn't been needed for in a decade. Much less the derpitude of hooking the submit button for click instead of the form's submit! Meaning non-mouse/non-touch navigation can submit the form bypassing your validation script.
Or the presence of markup that's only valid when scripting is working. 100% hurr-durrz.
EVERYTHING I would expect from a nube who's been saddled up by the monuments to ignorance, incompetence, and ineptitude that are frameworks like bootcrap and jQuery.
Have you ever bothered looking at native validation types and methods? NOTHING you are doing requires a single blasted line of JavaScript, much less the bloated borked mental-huffing midgetry of jQuery.
Your first check is redundant to "required" and "min-length". Your second is redundant to type="email". Your third? Type="tel".
If one were to enhance this with JavaScript, that is your starting point and all the scripting would do is suppress the popup to provide its own style.
This isn't JavaScript's job anymore! And being suckered, hoodwinked, and bamboozled by scam artist predatory garbage like jQuery and bootcrap is why you ended up making 1k of HTML and 1.4k of library reliant scripting to do the job of two thirds the markup and ZERO scripting!