Do you even realize the logic dicsonnect in what you just said? You basically said it doesn't batch them -- but it does store them on the virtual dom for a DIFF... you know what that basically is? BATCHING THEM!
And a waste of time since the entire "virtual DOM" nonsense is not faster, or better, or safer, or any of the other LIES used to justify the memory wasting code wasting processing wasting rubbish.
IF all you're doing is changing a value of an element, just freaking change it. IF it's something you change a lot, assign the element to a variable in a local data structure instead of this bizzaro time wasting effort wasting document fragment / virtual DOM nonsense.
The entire process -- including that "reconciliation" -- is something that shouldn't need to exist in the first place and seems to JUST exist for the purpose of preventing people from learning to use the DOM, and to mollycoddle those who refuse to learn enough to recognize what gibberish it really all is.
"seeing how nobody writes plain JavaScript anymore" is far from the truth, but that you see it that way is indicative of the proplem. So few people using these garbage frameworks -- or even creating them -- KNOW enough JavaScript to recognize how badly they're screwing themselves. They hop on the bandwagon of pointless changes like arrow functions, LET/CONST, etc, etc... but couldn't create a DOM deep child -- or even shallow child -- walk if their lives depended on it. Hell, they see a "if (e.firstElementChild) do { /* something */ } while (e = e.nextElementSibling);" and lose their huffing minds screaming about the "evils of do/while", how you soulnd never use a single equals in a evaluation/conditional, and all the other pedantic nonsense spewed by people unqualified to tell others how to code. JOE FORBID you use a "continue label" to turn 30 lines of code into five. Because apparently 30 lines of code is "easier" to understand and maintain. (true story bro)
The ire of career education was more directed at educators. Those who can, do, etc, etc... In a way we should all strive to be career students in terms of keeping our skills fresh. The problem is those who stay in school becuase they can't cut it in the workforce. They run around parroting all the stuff their teachers -- who tend to inherently be a decade or more out of date -- say, whilst never once having actually worked on a real project without the "safety net".
Because you're right, people repeating the same methods and techniques without improvement are a problem. You see it with the self-taught, I see it with the college educated far, far more. I've been at this forty years, and it's sad the past 20 watching all the same mistakes and incompetence bounce back like bell bottoms and crappy dance music.
That's the problem I have with a lot of stuff, is that the "change in the industry" is often either change for change's sake, or a repetition of stuff we should have learned better than the last three times it was tried; and failed. Look no further than idiocy like bootcrap/tailwind/w3.css and other HTML/CSS "frameworks" that by their very nature replicate everything that was wrong with browser wars era HTML 3.2 and the garbage carried over into 4 tranny.
In that way React/vue/angular and their kine all seem to be riddled with a desire to drive development BACK twenty years, which is why I'm scratching my head over people talking about how "great" and "modern" it is. It's not just about "Accepting changes in the industry", it's about recognizing regressions and snake-oil-peddling.
... and there's FAR too much of the latter.
It honestly feels like I learned too much JavaScript, HTML, and CSS to ever use React by choice. Everything they do falls into one of three categories:
1) Things I would NEVER implement Client-side.
2) Things I wouldn't even use JavaScript for.
3) Things I could do in half the code on a "level" playing field. Often stuff where "reinventing" functionality -- like react's "create" method -- I'd have cleaner, simpler, and roughly the same amount of code as you would doing the same thing in React, NOT counting the size of react.js or other libs against it!
That's really the part I don't get about React. How is it actually simpler... or easier... or "better for collaboration"? I just don't get how people can even make these claims given the ****-show the code built using it is, and the uber ****-show it vomits up client-side.
I really need to finish my article on this. I'm taking the Tic Tac Toe from the very first tutorial page, and the temperature conversion from "Lifting State Up", and rewriting them to use a little 1k lib to show that with the little lib and sane/rational use of the live DOM, what utter nonsense these "frameworks" are. Seriously, takes more than two minutes to belt out a simple DOM "make" (what react calls Create) routine there's something wrong with your skillset... and if you need React's nonsense to change values or re-organize the DOM once things are created, you neeed to learn how to use the DOM.
Even their first example of Tic Tac Toe is a wreck wasting time with all sorts of overhead for things that -- again -- could be done in a fraction the code, memory, and execution time that's harder to understand, develop, and maintain. And why? Because some know-nothing got it in their head that working with the live DOM is bad?