Dishonest? When Failwind pages are broken for the entire audience of EM/REM because they mixed EM /REM fonts with media queries? When EVERY single example they provide of using their system uses broken to gibberish markup flipping the bird at accessibility; much less showing they do not know enough HTML to be creating systems for other people to use?
These frameworks -- and the entire mentality by which they work -- are CREATED by people living two decades in the past. When the propaganda and bald faced lies about how "great" they are suckers in nubes and rubes alike, the blame doesn't go on the marks, it goes on the con men who promote this trash.
Just because something is popular and commonplace, doesn't make it good or even based in fact. See racism, bigotry, sexism, religion/faith in all its flavors and forms, naturopathy, anti-vax lies, anti-mask nonsense, auto-tuned pop stars, shoving jade eggs up the holiest of holies, bleach enema's, and the Ice Capades.
One of those is a joke.
Millions of people faithfully follow the ignorant douche calling himself an avocado, or the creepy old televangelists screaming about "The evil homosexuals". Doesn't mean any of the followers are correct.
That is LITERALLY the propaganda technique known as bandwagon. What the Christ-fans do when they say "2.2 billion people can't be wrong". Ingoring the other 7.6 billion who think they're full of more manure than Biff Tannen's '48 Ford Super De Luxe.
When I see bandwagon used as an excuse, I start looking around for the other six techniques.