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Bootcrap 5, and the Derp Goes On…
With the alpha of Bootstrap 5 now available, we get to see once again just how mind-numbingly stupid these types of front-end frameworks are. It is plainly apparent the people who CREATE these types of systems are unqualified to flap their yap on the topic of writing HTML, much less tell others how to do so.
As I said in my article “HTML / CSS frameworks — Monuments to Ignorance, Incompetence, and Ineptitude.” the very nature by which these frameworks do things is the antithesis of how you’re supposed to be using HTML and CSS.
So What’s Wrong With How HTML/CSS Frameworks Work?
They piss all over the HTML with presentational classes. HTML is for saying what things are, not what they look like. That’s why certain tags were deprecated in HTML 4 Strict, why certain tags being back in HTML 5 is really stupid, and why using classes to replicate the same behavior in the markup amounts to nothing more than dragging practices back to the worst of the mid to late ‘90’s browser wars era practices.
Hardly a shock these frameworks were popularized amongst those who never embraced the “strict” versions of the specifications, and instead spent most of the 2000’s wrapping 4 tranny around what was basically still HTML 3.2, and today slop 5’s lip-service doctype atop the same outdated…