As they waste more bandwidth and server time sending the bloated trash frameworks client side... or end up paying more for a CDN to deliver them, and spend more time and labor on making the pages than needed... It's actually laughable how many people get suckered into thinking that sending more code, wasting more bandwidth, failing to leverage caching models, and throwing labor at nothing is somehow magically going to make everything "faster" or "better". See ASP's where 90% of the time if the markup wasn't trash devoid of proper separation of concerns (see the mental derpitude that is HTML/CSS frameworks), it would be faster and create less server load WITHOUT the scripted loads.
Might as well put a scripted coin miner on your pages at that point. :P (that's a joke)
Though I wasn't 100% sure if you were being sarcastic or not. 'Cause if that was sarcasm, it's spot on.