America’s Unhealthy Obsession With Arbitrary Societal Norms
One of the things that has always yanked my chain is when the answer to a question is “It just is”, “Because we say so”, or even worse “God did it.”. These are not answers, and when they are used in reply to a question you can almost guarantee the real reason is made up fairy tale BULLSHIT!
Nowhere is this more apparent than:
Not as in the biological distinction, but in the halfwitted notion that how a piece of crushed plant fibers or long chain polymer thread is dyed, cut, and sewn together is magically for one gender or the other. This pointless idiotic distinction is nothing more than proof of how gullible and irrational “normal” people can be. This is only further evidenced by how supercilious insults — and in some cases death threats and actual violence — are thrown at those who do not conform to said “societal norm.” Just look around right now at all the conservatives screaming about the evils of “drag.”
Christmas on a cracker, it’s not even consistent over time. Prior to the 1950’s pink and blue could have been for either, or reversed from today’s norm. It actually depended on who you asked. Some historians get this wrong and say it was 100% backwards from today. Nothing is ever that simple or black-and-white. See the Wikipedia article for some…